Developing your
Perfect Plan

We’ll develop a business plan for your startup
or growing business that will convince investors
your business is the one to back.

your perfect

We'll develop a business plan
for your startup or growing business
that will convince investors your
business is the one to back.

Startup Business Plan Services: Develop a believable business plan

We create strategic business plans that support founders and business owners to articulate their business case and impresses investors. We know that every business is different because every founder, idea and marketplace can vary. That’s why we take a bespoke approach to business plan writing, working with you to tailor it to you, your business and your market.

Our team have decades of experience writing business plans for startups and scale-ups and we leverage their extensive experience as investment and corporate business analysts for the benefit of our founders.

business plan writing services
Startup business plan quote

“What I liked the most is that Robot Mascot are not simply writing what you want in your business plan but they help you understand and refine what investors need to know about your company.”


“What I liked the most is that Robot Mascot are not simply writing what you want in your business plan but they help you understand and refine what investors need to know about your company.”


Expert Business Plan Consultants

Our team of expert business plan consultants will help you craft a business plan that’s clear, concise and credible. We ensure our business plans for startups and growing businesses not only chart your company’s future growth but also resonate with potential investors.

Through our business planning services, we emphasise your future growth potential, detail your market research, outline your marketing strategy, and consider the market opportunities you can take advantage of.

Our team offers specialised insights across a range of industries (including tech, retail, FMCG, hospitality and more), ensuring tailored strategies for every startup. Additionally, we can guide you in perfecting your investor pitch and financial projections, leveraging our deep understanding of investor expectations.

Startup Pitch services

Are you Pitch Ready?

Join our complementary fundraising strategy session and learn the methodology behind the best-selling book Investable Entrepreneur, an approach that results in founders being 40x more likely to raise investment.

– How It Works –

Business Plan Services

Our business plan writing services have been honed through years of research with investors. Through our trusted and proven approach, we’ll deliver startup business plans that live up to investor expectations and enable you to hold up to investor scrutiny.

Financial Projections Service Stage 1

Stage 1: Discovery

We start by giving you access to our strategic planning tool, PitchPrep. Think of it as a dry run of all the questions an investor could ask you in due diligence. Ultimately it ensures we identify the red flags that might concern investors so that we can work with you to iron them out and present a comprehensive business plan for investment.

Financial Projections Service Stage 2

Stage 2: Business Plan Writing Kick Off

Next we start the formal process of business plan writing. This kick-off phase involves strategising the structure, content flow and key focus areas that your business plan will encompass. We collaborate closely with you to ensure all facets of your venture are captured.

Financial Projections Service Stage 3

Stage 3: Research

In this important phase, our team validates and builds upon any existing market research you may have provided to us. We support your business case by identifying prevailing trends, assessing competition, and pinpointing the opportunities and potential challenges in your sector. This data-driven approach ensures your business plan is grounded in reality and reflects the current market landscape.

Financial Projections Service Stage 4

Stage 4: Business Plan Writing Services

With a wealth of data and insights in hand, our expert consultants start writing. We develop a compelling narrative around your startup’s journey, emphasising its potential for growth, returns, and unique market positioning. Every section, from vision to strategy formulation, is crafted with precision and expertise.

Get our business plan writing services as part of our full PitchReady service

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What our clients say

about our business plan writing services


The PitchReady service is simply superlative! Not even one mistake or imperfection. They are not simply writing what you want but they help you understand and refine what investors need to know about your company.

Adriano Antimi, Tourmake

I felt as if I was working with my own extended team who offered professionalism, the right experience and the level of commitment that I needed to promote my investment opportunity. I now feel empowered and more confident when talking about my business.

Barbara Burton, BehindBras
Arron Bowman Smith

“Robot Mascot validated our vision – pumping a protein shake into our business plan and the potential value of the business – which was huge. Working with them was a special moment for me.”

Arron Bowman-Smith, InstaWow

“Not only was the work of a great standard, but I feel more confident as a result. I could never have pulled together even 10% of this on my own. When you see the work that goes into the project, you suddenly understand why 99% of founders fail to raise investment!”

Claire Turpin, Contur
Mo Uz

“It’s been a great experience and I feel so much more confident in my business model. I’ve been thoroughly impressed throughout the process and even secured two investors within a week!”

Mohammad Uz-Zaman, ADL Estate Planning
Richard Eaton Pedal

The Robot Mascot team are exceptional at what they do. They really do care about you raising investment, they don’t just say it. If you care about getting backed, then this team are for you.

Richard Eaton, Pedal
Esteban Lupin

“The work produced was very professional. My partners and I were blown away by the result. We sent it immediately to 2 investors and have been invited in for 2 meetings within 2 days of completing the project!”

Esteban Lupin, CoolBytz
Adam Graham

“Really impressed – the business plan, financial model and structuring of the narrative was excellent.”

Adam Graham, Just Fix

Case Studies

business plan writing services

“We’re really happy with the outcome. Totally worth the investment and much better than we could have achieved ourselves. Working with Robot Mascot allowed us to focus on developing our tech, rather than all the investment documents.”


“We’re really happy with the outcome. Totally worth the investment and much better than we could have achieved ourselves. Working with Robot Mascot allowed us to focus on developing our tech, rather than all the investment documents.”


Expert Business Plan Writers

Our expert business plan writers excel in crafting bespoke business plans that capture the essence of your startup.

Beginning with a comprehensive analysis, we immerse ourselves in your vision and objectives. We develop your market research, pinpointing key trends and competitive landscapes, while ensuring your growth plan reflects both the grounded reality and the ambitious future of your venture.

Our approach goes beyond simply writing down the information you share with us; we guide and support you to shape realistic and actionable plans – from revenue models to market expansion. We also support you in recognising the challenges that your startup might face by highlighting potential risks and offering strategies to navigate them.

startup business plan services

Top five reasons our clients work with us

They’re missing the expertise in their team to create their fundraising assets

They’re lacking the time to focus on creating their fundraising assets

They’ve never raised investment before, and need some support and guidance

They realise that externally verified assets increase their credibility

They’re not sure how to best prepare themselves for investment

Get the book

Investable Entrepreneur takes you through our winning methodology – the process we use to increase our client’s chances of raising investment by more than 40x.

“This book will help you translate your entrepreneurial vision into something investors can get behind.”

Daniel Priestley, CEO and founder, Dent Global and four times best-selling business author

Business Plan Writing Service FAQ

Your business plan is your roadmap to success. And like all valuable maps, it needs a number of important elements. 

  • Short Term Plan
    • This is all about the now. It’s your game plan for the next few months. How are you going to use that cash injection? What’s the immediate goal?
  • Long Term Plan
    • Think big picture. Where do you see your startup in, say, 5 years? This is your chance to paint a picture of growth and show investors the potential goodies down the line.
  • Market Research
    • Dive deep into the market’s nitty-gritty. What’s hot, what’s not, and where does your startup fit in? This is where you prove you’ve done your homework and know the playground you’re stepping into.
  • Marketing Plan
    • Selling your product is huge! After getting the funds, getting the word out is the next big challenge. What’s your game plan to make some noise and get those customers rolling in?
  • Investment Objectives and Exit Strategy
    • Lay out the big wins you’re shooting for with the funds. And for the grand finale, give a sneak peek into the exit game – maybe some industry gossip on buyouts or mergers.

Piecing these elements together will give you a rock-solid business plan that shows investors you’re worth their time and money.

READ: Business Plans: Why Less Is More

Crafting a robust business plan isn’t just about jotting down ideas; it’s an art and a science, requiring a blend of market insight, strategic thinking, and foresight. There are lots of reasons you might choose to use a business plan services consultant rather than doing it yourself. Consider the following:

  • Expertise
    • Consultants like Robot Mascot bring years of experience to the table as well as knowledge in crafting business plans across various industries. People like us know what works, what doesn’t and how to tailor your plan to your unique business model.
  • Time-Saving
    • As an entrepreneur, you have a lot on your plate. A consultant can take the burden off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on other vital aspects of your startup.
  • Objective Perspective
    • Sometimes, being too close to your business can cloud your judgement. A consultant provides a fresh, unbiased view, identifying potential pitfalls and opportunities you might miss.
  • Market Research
    • Consultants often have access to premium market research tools and databases, ensuring your plan is backed by solid data.
  • Networking Opportunities
    • Given their industry involvement, consultants often have a vast network of contacts, from potential investors to industry experts, which can be invaluable for a budding startup.
  • Investor-Ready
    • Investors have specific criteria they look for in a business plan and seasoned consultants like us know these intricacies. As such business plan consultants can shape your plan to be investor-friendly, increasing your chances of securing funding.
  • Ongoing Support
    • And finally, the journey doesn’t end once the plan is drafted. Many startup consultants offer ongoing support, helping you navigate changes in the market, pivot strategies, or prepare for investor pitches.

Let’s get you pitch ready, and give you the very best chance of success.

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