Startup Spotlight: Simplify Change

10th December 2019

Zayn Blore, Founder, Simplify Change

Zayn talks to us about his experiences as a founder of Simplify Change and gives some great advice to those just starting out.

Can you introduce your start-up? What is it, and how did it come about?

Simplify Change is a Change Management Consultancy, focusing on helping companies employees adopt new IT products. It was formed by Nicola Graham and myself when Nicola came up with a fantastic idea to help Change the World of Change which we are creating. We teamed up as we had previously worked together, and our skillsets and personalities complement each other.

Where are you in your startup journey?

We are revenue generating, with a number of clients and projects, and are in the process of creating our MVP product.

To date, what has been the biggest triumph for your business?

Securing business from two multi-national companies, and receiving very positive feedback on our prototype.

How have you found being a co-founder? And what advice you would give to other co-founders?

Starting a company is an intense process where you need to have roles, responsibilities and processes agreed to minimize disagreements and overlapping work. Differences of opinion are inevitable however, so you need an excellent understanding of how you will resolve these to ensure your company can overcome them.

How do you manage to balance growing a start-up with having a personal life?

Making time for friends and family and other activites is vital to ground you, and balance the intenseness of growing a start-up.

How do you cope with the pressures that come with building a business?

I’ve taken up long distance running. I also enjoy the constantly changing tasks each day, meeting new people, and exploring opportunities that come out of that.

Did you pursue investment? If so what advice would you give on pitching? What was your secret weapon?

Yes, but now it is less of a concern as we are revenue generating. My advice would be to network, explore all opportunities and use your team’s talents appropriately. Nicola is fantastic at sales and pitching, while I know the detail and financial plans inside out.

If you could name one thing that you wish you knew when you started, what would it be?

How intense the experience is going to be. You need a solid support network (or need to create one), to really benefit and thrive.

To date, what has been your most important lesson?

Delegation is key to ensuring a remarkable product and successful business. You can’t do everything yourself.

Do you have any tips or advice for anyone thinking about starting up their own business, or who have just started their journey?

Choose 3 tasks each day to further your goals. Then slot the rest of your activities around them. That way each day you move forward, and can celebrate that fact, rather then getting bogged down.

What has been the most challenging part of your start-up journey so far?

Balancing priorities.

What’s next for your business?

We aim to have a functional MVP which delivers value by January. Allowing our target market to start to gain from our experience and see the direction we’re going.

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    2020-03-20T09:30:09+00:00December 10th, 2019|Categories: Startup Spotlight|