Prosper BI


“With help from Robot Mascot, I was able to secure my funding after just one pitch – not only that I was offered nearly 50% more than I was asking for”

George Davis, Founder and MD, Prosper Systems

George masterminded online SAAS platform, Prosper BI, at a hackathon. His machine learning software is a neat bit of kit, it helps SME’s by using their historic financial data alongside big data sources and seasonal patterns to accurately predict their financial future. He was so sure of its success that he left Uni and came to Robot Mascot for some help.

The Need

George had a fantastic concept and had identified a need, he had the skills to bring the development to life and knew how to bring a great team together. However he found it difficult to articulate his offering to customers and investors. As a young entrepreneur of only 19 George was concerned that his age may be a barrier and investors wouldn’t take him seriously in pitches.

How We Helped

We supported George from day one. We started with regular mentoring sessions and then, when George was ready to undertake his first major investment round, we started to help him design, develop and grow the Prosper BI brand.

First on the list was a brand identity that could scale with his business along with some key message development so George had some key phrases he could use while networking and pitching.

Once this was in place we produced some killer pitch materials that meant investors sat up and paid attention. This included a detailed pitch prospectus, along with a landing page which would act as an online presence for inquisitive investment analysts, but also as a lead generation tool for early adopters interested in the Prosper BI offering.

The Result

The response to the branding and investment materials was incredible. Prosper BI not only received the £250k investment they required after just one pitch, they actually ended up closing their round banking £350k. A few months later they received a further commitment of £500k, meaning they are now able to rapidly scale their business.

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Prosper BI Logo Sketch
Prosper BI Investment Prospectus Sketch
FinTech Investment Prospectus Cover Design
Investment Prospectus Design

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